السبت، 1 مارس 2014

Computer cyber crime... Electronic Crimes

  • Computer cyber crime... Electronic Crimes


     The evolution in information and communication technology and the emergence of the World Wide Web Internet with all his progress and services , did not pass on the world in peace , because as far as the latest positive effects and non- lifestyle communities and contributed to the development and advancement estimated that he had a negative impact on people's lives and interests of the whole , all of this was reflected in the adaptation of the Internet and electronic means to be our world from the worlds of crime , and so came into existence Electronic Crimes in our day we will try to address the definition of these crimes and the types and characteristics of the blade at the last to answer to the problem imposed itself recently namely : What is the reality of cyber crime in Algeria what are the ways to reduce this scourge of serious and rapid spread.

    The argument of Dr. Mohammed Saleh al-Adli Professor of Criminal Law , Faculty of Law in Muscat and Al-Azhar University in Egypt , the Supreme Court constitutional lawyer in Egypt :
    Electronic crime is :
    Illegitimate son ....
    Which came as a result of mating between the information technology revolution .... With globalization .
    Or : the genie out of the bottle , which can not ..... globalization that his behavior after that brought him ....
    Bad practice for the information technology revolution ....

    Definition of cyber crime :

    Crime Crime known as intentional commission of an act detrimental socially dangerous act is prohibited or punished by law .
    The cyber crime group acts and illegal acts conducted through the equipment or electronic devices or the Internet or broadcast through the contents.
    - Is the kind of crimes that require knowledge of your techniques Computer and information systems to commit or investigation and the prosecution of its actors . (1) Abdul Fattah Murad , explain computer crimes and Internet , Library and Archives of Egypt , p 38
    - Is any illegal action uses the computer as a tool or a theme for the crime . (2)

    This is a reform a comprehensive computer crimes and internet and crimes networks as the word Cyber ​​used with the majority in the sense the Internet itself or the meaning default in where they took the meaning or the age of the computer for researchers no longer there differentiate greatly between scope and between the computer and the Internet to them of the unit integrate the processing environment and the exchange of data .

    The historical development of computer crimes and online :
    Passed historic evolution of Internet crime depending on the evolution of technology and its uses , but this passed through three stages .
    Phase I: the prevalence of the use of computers in the sixties to the seventies necessitated treatment articles and press materials discussing data manipulation and destruction of stored computer systems ? .
    And accompanied these discussions with the question about whether these crimes just something transient or criminal phenomenon developed, and that the controversy Hawa whether crimes in the legal sense or just behavior unethical environment or the profession of computing , and with the increasing use of personal computers in the seventies appeared a number of studies Survey and legal , which focused on computer crimes and addressed a number of issues of actual crimes , and began to talk about it as a criminal phenomenon , not just unacceptable behavior .

    Second stage: in the eighties , where surfaced a new concept for computer crimes and Internet operations linked to storm system Alkmbeyiotr remote and dissemination activities and planting viruses in the process of electronic destructive files or programs
    Popularized the term " hackers " from crossing Mguethami systems , but to talk about the motives for committing these acts remained confined to the desire to overcome the professional information security and demonstrate technical superiority , but these adventurers have become a tool criminality .
    The offender appeared superior informational purposes paid serious criminal capable of committing acts aimed at the seizure of money or espionage or seizure of confidential data and socio-economic , political and military .

    Third stage: the nineties which saw a tremendous uptick in the field of electronic crime and a change in the scope and concept and that was what brought about by the Internet to facilitate the operations of entry systems and network intrusion information emerged new patterns :
    Denial of service that you are at the idea of ​​disabling technical system and prevent it from carrying out its work the usual and most practiced against Web sites marketing important cause interruption of service for hours in financial losses in the millions , and has been active crimes spreading viruses via the websites of what facilitated the transition to millions of users at the same time .
    There were messages posted on the Internet or e-mail correspondence involving revenge or hatred, prejudice and dignity of persons considered or promoter of illegal substances or illegal .

    The role of the computer in the field of electronic crimes : Abdel Fattah Murad , explain computer crimes and Internet , Library and Archives of Egypt , p 43/45

    Despite growing research and attempts to devise systems to ensure the necessary protection for any computer but on the other hand is the development of counter-measures for the security of these forts , meaning that Khtranthak security and integrity of computer -long continuity of these fortifications .
    It may be in the area of ​​computer crimes targeted for crimes of the crime or a tool to commit or her scene .
    The computer is a key role in the field of crime detection , and we'll show Here are the roles of the computer and the Internet in the commission of the crime and discovered and so are as follows :

    A - Your computer may be a target of crime :

    This is achieved in the case of unauthorized access to the system or planting viruses to destroy data and files stored or modified , as in the case of the seizure of data stored or transmitted across systems .
    And attacks directed to a computer or information services inadvertently compromising confidentiality or integrity of content and Talath or disable the ability and efficiency of the systems to do its job .
    Its objective is to control the information stored on the system , without permission and without paying and include some denominations this pattern any computer activities as a target for theft and assault on intellectual property .

    B - computer may be the place of the crime :

    As in the case of the exploitation of computer Astla to make transfers of funds to the illegal use of technology in fraud and forgery , and capturing the credit card numbers and re-used to grab money by it.

    C - computer may be an instrument of crime :

    And that , as in the case of storing pirated software or in the case of materials used for the dissemination of illegal use or storage of the tool or contact deals and drug smuggling networks pornographic activities and the like .

    Features and characteristics of cyber crime :

    Attributes and characteristics of cyber crime
    1 - a global crime " crimes intercontinental " :
     In other words it does not recognize geographical borders of countries and even between continents , because with the spread www "The Internet could connect huge numbers Mnm countless computers across the world to this network , where it can be the culprit in the country and the victim in another country and so Crimes Electronic fall in most cases across many international borders . Almnasah Osama Ahmed , Mohammed Jalal Al-Zoubi , Sayel Fadel Alhoaoshh ,

    2 - Crimes difficult of proof :

     The difficulty of follow-up and discovered in the Leave No Trace are just numbers change in the records , most of the cyber crime was discovered by chance and after a long time of their commission , lacking physical evidence , for example, the traditional fingerprinting . Hisham Rustom IT crimes , the origins of the Criminal Investigation and Technical Security Law Journal , the number of Dubai (2) .1999
    The reasons for the difficulty to prove that the follow-up and more difficult to detect , as they do not have an impact , but what are the numbers going in the records , and that the crimes are not discovered much more than those disclosed , and return to the difficulty of reasons:
    1 - they do not make an impact as a crime committed after
    2 - the difficulty of keeping artistic monuments that found
    3 - they need for technical expertise is difficult for the investigator traditional handle.
    4 - it depends on deception and misinformation in the commission to identify the perpetrators.
    5 - it depends on the summit of intelligence in the commission. Abdel Fattah Murad , explain computer crimes and Internet , Library and Archives of Egypt , p 42

    3 / soft crimes :

    If conventional crime need to be muscular effort to commit murder / , theft , rape , Electronic Crimes do not need Adny muscular effort , but the study based at the mental , and scientific thinking studied based on the knowledge of computerized technology .

    The characteristics of the perpetrators of computer crimes and internet
    So that we can understand the perpetrator in crimes à electronic information must be taken into account the offender's personality and who should be rehabilitated socially even back a good citizen , and we can say that the perpetrator of crimes Computer enjoyed a great deal of intelligence as well as that man is inherently social :
    A - enjoy offender crimes in electronic intelligence
    In addition to the affiliation of the perpetrator in the crimes Computer and technical disciplines related to Baalovernm functionally , enjoy the perpetrator of these crimes in the non-traditional look to him on the grounds that he is often described as a high degree of intelligence informational , make it difficult Ranked according to the classification of criminal usual so seen in identifying types of offenders in cyber crime to the goal of the commission of these crimes as a criterion to distinguish among them.
    B - the culprit in cyber crime as a human being social :
    6 - the culprit in cyber crime is a human being compatible with the community as it is a human being brainy assisted the process of adaptation to this community , , , n but commit this type of crime motivated by entertainment or just to show the superiority of the PC machine or the software that runs them. Abdel Fattah Murad , explaining the technical and criminal Althiq CID , Library and Archives of Egypt , p 46

    Types of cyber crime

    Types of cyber crime :
    There are several categories of crimes, Computer and Internet , there are researchers from classified by categories such as crimes committed on computer systems and other crimes committed by him, or according to the method of the crime or the motive, and the motive to commit the crime .
    Divides Engineer Hamad Abdul Aziz proper information security director of the Center of loneliness Internet services in the city of King Abdul Aziz and Altqna cybercrime to:
    1 - data of computer -related offenses : Katlav and Tchouah data and information , computer software and modification and manipulation of information stored within the computer systems and use Katsoir processing documents automatically and Astkhaddlmhl .
    For example there are many viruses that have caused losses Vedjh such as Chernobyl that caused millions of dollars in losses , and the worm orm has caused a Palo viruses . AD . Estimated a loss of 50 million dollars.
    2 - crimes related to the personalities and data relating to private life , and include Gerraúm attacks on confidential data or intimacy , and molesters of personal data relating to private life .
    Example: In January 1996 Enter one of the owners cafes Electronic , France, on the Internet Book " big secret " which speaks of the disease the former president "francois metterant" Mwalve published his private doctor "dogober" which prevent the publication and sale of the decision of the justice of this incident aroused a sensation as an intervention in private life and prejudice liberties , and this is what his guilt French law .
    3 - crimes tidy intellectual property rights for the software and a curse , " software piracy " and the tradition of the best known copy programs and pages of information , instructions and reproduced without a license and abuse of trademark and patent
    Example : as much as the European Union Intellectual Property Total trade losses due to piracy in Egypt on the books , publications, computer software and artwork about 5.84 million dollars.
     Because of the pirate kevin mitnid in the loss of $ 292 million to four companies during the two years prior to his arrest in 1995 , a NOKIA, SUN, NOVWLL, EC AMERCA told these companies that once robbed of part of the pirate symbol set designs some software revenue lost them arguing .
    4 - impersonate another illegally on the Internet in order to take advantage of that character or to hide the identity of the offender to facilitate the commission of crimes
    5 - harassment and observation and two modern type of crime is constantly growing with each update affects programs, dialogues and chat messages of threat , intimidation and provisions control the victim
    6 - seduced and INQ two months of cyber crimes and most prevalent , especially among the young age of the users of the network, and this crime is based on the thumb element in the formation of relationships by criminals
    7 - libel and defamation is where the internet scene is limited because it had everything included them without supervision , so it created a negative atypical cases of people who were defaming their revenue through false information .
    ( Example of what is being offered through the site of the secrets of YouTube celebrities and their relationships , pictures of women at weddings and bathrooms ) .
    8 - Industry and dissemination of child pornography , which incite minors to sexual activities illegal pornography industry and industries of the most famous and the most current popular , especially in the Western countries and Asian countries . Egypt alone has seen 100 cases and homosexual pornography in 2005.
    9 - fraud , forgery crimes because the Internet is a field exercise in which welcomed all forms of transactions , however, that this feature was marred by numerous cons Ibzha the possibility of fraud breach of these transactions
    Jupp ambush pupil get on a computer as a gift to the good results of the rigging used by money and tried before a court of Setif .
    Months these issues counterfeit cards, electronic payment and fraudulent auctions , jobs and investment phantom and packages lottery prizes and delusional .
    Robberies on electronic vending through the establishment of a web page are quite similar to the one site include banks require the user to update their personal information and banking
    10 - The most important cyber crimes that have emerged recently are related to crimes of international terrorism via the Internet
    11 - Crimes image processing releases : by changing the features of images by deletion and addition , as happened in 1999 when the opposition Labor Party of Israel to publish nude photos of the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on the internet , which falls within the postal hazing .

    Types of offenders in cyber crime : :

    Can divide the classes Ajnah Taatsnevin in cyber crime , the division depends on the organizational abilities and the division depends on Ranked according to their goals and purpose :
    Division , according to the goals and purpose
    Category I: Young used to be nominated Babuthain They are a class of young people are fond of the computers , a category of less serious offenses committed as often unintentionally , is about the will of the full damage .
    The second category : the category of well-intentioned , but where you feel their work is not punishable , and where the text does not explicitly prevent such acts , they appreciate that it is permissible .
    Category III: for workers in the field of Computer , this category exploit the nature of their work , Vtse use within the function and thus committed various crimes and is located on the institutions in which they operate or to other institutions .
    The fourth category : professional , where this category is characterized by highly skilled and experienced in the field of computers and is the most serious category , and the category is considered the most committing crimes Computer From this category emerged the so-called organized crime CNC illegally. Abu Bakar Suleiman : computer crime and methods of response, security and Life Magazine , Issue 21, Year 19 , November 1420 . P 38 .

    According to the division of work and the nature of the activity
    The perpetrator in the crimes and electronic technical person either acting alone or be part of the system , and it can limit the types of offenders in Computer crimes in several categories :
      Category I: working on home computers : their goal just for fun and enjoy or disturbing others .

     Category II: workers in the system :
    They are often angered by the organizations in which they work Faamdon to sabotage or damage the device or even rifling through their work on the devices of their organization or through access from external connection , knowing the seriousness of the serious and sensitive information .
    The third category : the category of amateur hackers Alharkz
    Their purpose is to show the capabilities and adventure in front of peers and Abusers of them for fun , and there are professionals who Asllon carefully selected devices and sending or destroyed the plants or steal the contents of the device which is most of the cyber crimes currently cramming their own goals and find solutions to their problems .
    The fourth category : professional hackers Alkrakz
    They are seeking to steal sensitive information from commercial entities , government for the purpose of selling them to other destinations of interest to them that information . Including workers in organized crime .

    Category V: Management Organizations
    They are entities competing with each other as each seeks to gain access to sensitive information of the other party , in an effort to reach a better position than the competition , and is often commissioned management organizations to their employees or professionals in the crimes.

    7 - The sixth category : business espionage whereupon the governments of some countries , seeking, through wars, espionage to obtain information on the strategy and military and other economic to stalking through the computer on that information to other countries . Abdel Fattah Murad , explain computer crimes and Internet .
  • Conclusion:

    At last we can go out and come Bhatth to reduce the phenomenon of cyber crime
    1 - must be entered online material ethics within the curriculum study in pre-university education.
    2 - spread awareness among people, especially young people the dangers of dealing with the bad sites on the Internet.
    3 - to strengthen cooperation with the international institutions involved in combating such crimes
    4 - create special laws to deal with these crimes
    5 - programs use a strong security against viruses
  • To learn about the requirements and conditions for qualifying scientific study of hackers, visit the University of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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